Sunday, April 19, 2009

$1 and $2 coins coming to America from Canada

The email below is a response to an email about the coming of $1 and $2 coins in America:


Canada already has one and two dollar coins.

The reason is debasement of the currency there. As the government printed more and more money years ago, it took more and more nickels and quarters to pay the vending machines!

The emergence of these coins in America signals coming hyper-inflation here. It is the result of the criminal printing of money to offset the economic terrorism of the American Wall Street Banksters and their crime family allies in Washington, D.C.

At last, twenty years ago, "the lights went on" in Canada, and its government stopped printing money, got out of debt, balanced its books, and stabilized its currency. In contrast, the "lights went out" in America with Reagan's "revolution" that hass rationalized deficits and public looting.

The result is a rising value for the Canadian dollar against the debased US dollar. This is one reason why it pays to bank in Canada. Your money gains value there against the US dollar!

It also means the government-funded pension and medicare systems in Canada are solvent, unlike the situation in the USA. In contrast, Americans are losing pensions and healthcare.

Meanwhile, the American vending machine operators are taking their cue from their Canadian counter-parts. They are making sure the coinage of the realm keeps up with hyper-inflation.

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