Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Look South Not North

Sonia, this is thoughtful. To it, let me add this. Ralph Peters, one of the leading military strategists in our country, in his lastest books, New Glory, argues that America's future is to the South, Latin America, not Europe or the Middle East, or Asia, any longer. Latin America has the resources, markets, and human resources we need to keep our economy moving and support our aging population. Therefore the issue of knowing Spanish will become increasingly important in America, and for incoming Hispanics to America knowing English will be crucial also. We are moving into an new era of hope if we refocus South. Your interest in promoting ESL is on trend, and, yes, much needed.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

How similar are trends in Canada to trends in USA?

I have no respect for the government anymore'
Welcome to The Michael Savage Newsletter, your daily insider report on all things "Savage."
In today's issue: It just so happened that Michael Savage’s Tuesday night show coincided with President Obama’s State of the Union address.
“You can listen to this Politbureau speech on other radio stations across America if you want to,” Savage told his audience, adding, “All I see is a bunch of grifters slapping each other on the back.”
“Watching the prelude to the State of the Union speech, I feel like I'm looking at the Ukrainian parliament,” said a disgusted Dr. Savage, adding:

The only difference is, they'd be punching each other out. At least we the people would get some entertainment out of that.
All I see is a bunch of grifters slapping each other on the back. You just know they're cutting deals in the back room.
I don't even feel it's my country anymore.
I have no faith in them. I have no respect for this anymore.
And I'm not going to sit and watch this clown giving another speech calling for higher taxes and more regulation, and listen to the stooges on the Democrat side clap like a bunch of seals.
That's all Obama's talking about: tax and spend. Soft Marxism and hard crony capitalism.
Tax the people. Control the people from cradle to grave, and then reward your crony capitalist friends by not taxing them, or giving them sweetheart contracts and grants.
Do you really feel that you live in a representative democracy?

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Fair Canada and Unfair USA

Walter, here are some thoughts on Obama's impressive speech. He is clearly an accomplished speaker, big time.

The key word, concept is fair. A Canadian from Burlington, Ontario, who attends Rotary here with me, said in conversation with me that in simplest terms the difference between Canada and the USA is fairness. Canada practices fairness. I have lived it.

For example, nobody goes bankrupt in Canada because of medical bills. They do here. Last month, we were in a discount store, and Jane engaged the young woman behind the checkout register in short conversation. The clerk was working two minimum-wage jobs to pay off $8,000 in medical bills! This does not happen in Canada. The USA is not fair. Greed rules supreme here now.

The two parts of his speech, brief, but scary, that caught my attention big time were his backing of Israel, in effect, against Iran. The entire chamber roared approval - for the next war. Obama's bringing Hagel into the cabinet as secretary of defense is part of the runup, "bipartisan" support for the next war in the Middle East. North Korea is a "loose cannon" too, and it could get bloody.

As my late UT professor, J.S. Moir observed, Canada in effect is 30 million Democrats. You repeat his observation too.

Often, what is not said is as important as what is said. For instance, there was no mention of recovering the loot stolen from the American people by the bloodsucking vampires on Wall Street. Big Money owns Washington, DC here. More and more what occurs there has no connection to the "little people" outside the "Beltway." Fakes, phonies and frauds populate D.C.

Yes, Obama put on a good show. He got it right about starvation wages. For instance, here in Citrus County, Florida, the average annual wage is, yes, $17,000. A husband and wife might buy a used trailer house on such pittance; they do. When we go to Wal-Mart here we see lots of "rough" people, the $17,000/year persons living in the shadows here. It is disgusting. It is not fair.
We see good, honest people here each and every day. The American people are good people; we are an abused people. It is not fair that the people who do the work, obey the laws, pay the taxes, and, yes, fight the wars, get ripped off left and right here. My concern is another war in the Middle East will "pull down the house" on them, us. At some point, they are going to get mad.

God bless. Take care. Paul

Paul Rux, Ph.D.