Saturday, November 16, 2013

J.S. Moir, Ph.D., University of Toronto, Professional Example

Your humble servant here admires your determination, grit as doctoral students to hang on and hang in with your studies despite challenges in your personal lives, e.g. health issues.  Your consistent first-class work is even more impressive when you share some of the background to your lives with your humble servant here.  Thank you for this sharing.  It honors, continues a tradition that began full-force in my life when I had such a sharing relationships with the late Prof. J.S. Moir at the University of Toronto, where I was a Graduate Fellow for a M.A.  Yes, our work is professional; it is also personal.  This does not mean "personality psycho-babble stuff."  It means genuine sharing, rapport between student, teacher.  Right now I am studying Confucius; he emphasizes the value of the master-student (teacher-student) relationship as one of the great relationships that we humans can experience.  You are going to have such relationships with your own students as professors after your doctoral degrees.  Continue the tradition.  Dr. Rux

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