Friday, November 16, 2012

Young Males in Ontario Today

We have made buying and selling a shibboleth: the customer is always right! NOT! But this is the absurdity that has arisen from making everything a transaction rather than a conversation or could we hope for a meaningful dialogue?

 An interesting discussion has arisen here in Ontario about young males who tune out in school. One teacher has suggested that video games give power to the player and they are frustrated when they enter an environment where they are not the controller. Unfortunately they are too immature to recognize that they can't always be in control.

 The other theme is that often parents model bullying by harassing educators. Even twenty years ago some parents came to school consultations with lawyers.

 Finally, there are 'Christian' parents who are suing because they want to have detailed lesson plans for every lesson in advance so that they can keep their kids away from potentially hazardous 'education'.

 We've got a lot of teapot fascists running loose,


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